I have partied with Satan a few times and I can assure you he is good for the economy of a town. The mayor of Inglis needs to rethink this position.
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
so that's florida for you then.. .
inglis mayor carolyn risher said september 11 terror attacks inspired her to compose a proclamation banning satan from her town.
inglis, florida (cnn) -- if he's thinking of visiting florida's west coast, satan might want to steer clear of inglis.. the mayor of this small fishing village in florida has declared the prince of darkness persona non grata -- in essence, telling him to go to the devil.. "satan, ruler of darkness, giver of evil, destroyer of what is good and just, is not now, nor ever again will be, a part of this town of inglis," mayor carolyn risher says in a proclamation, which was issued on official town stationery.. risher said the events of september 11 inspired her to pursue the proclamation, which the town commission supports.. "it gave me the inspiration that these people need to be ready if something like this was to happen to the town of inglis.
I have partied with Satan a few times and I can assure you he is good for the economy of a town. The mayor of Inglis needs to rethink this position.
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
most of us now laugh at the witnesses, but i think compared to some others they are quite reasonable ( notice i said compared).. so which religion has the most crazy beliefs.. i dont have much knowledge of these religions but i'll mention what i know , feel free to add your own points or correct me if i'm wrong.. i'll start with.. mormons,.
believe jews migrated to america.and that we are angels on earth being tested.. monnies,.
believe rev moon is jesus on earth.they also use (missuse) quatum physics to prove their beliefs.. scientology,.
I'm sorry folks, but for absolute weirdness and mind control, I believe the JW's rank number one.
For real danger to mankind, my vote goes to Muslims. I know, I know, not all Muslims are terrorists, but enough are bloodthirsty nutballs to shade the entire group as dangerous.
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
i've always felt that the adult jws got off pretty easily compared to jw kids.. for instance: .
my dad went to work, and didn't bother his co-workers with jw stuff.
it wasn't allowed.
As a kid going back to the early 50's being a Witness didn't really bother me in grade school. The other kids were pretty cool about the flag salute and holidays. What I hated were all of the damn meetings. Not being able to do anything else because we were always going to a meeting. In high school, we had Friday night Service Meeting/Ministry School so I rarely got to attend a HS football or basketball game and participation was absolutely out. I don't remember ever attending a HS dance.
I guess by the time I graduated HS the brainwashing had worked because I fully bought into the 1975 BS and was a true believer. To this day, the thought of going to a meeting, even in the business setting makes me feel uncomfortable. I HATE MEETINGS.
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
i'm really tired of always having to fight.
i don't have any friends in this world and i don't want to return to the evil watchtower.
it seem to me that everyone else around have fun and enjoy the life while, i still don't know what to i do with my life.
You sound like a young man. Therefore, instead of contemplating suicide, try a change of scenery. Get on a plane, a train, or a bus and go somewhere else, meet new people, whatever. You will be amazed what a change in location can do for you, even if just for a little while.
It's a big world out there with many wonderful people. They are waiting to get to know you as well. I'm not bullshitting you. I've felt like you do and looking back on it, I'm damn glad I've survived as long as I have.
delmart vreeland, a 35-year-old american is in canadian custody for credit card fraud charges.
here's the kicker, he claims to be a lieutenant in a u.s. navy intelligence unit, basically a spy who knew in advance about 9-11.. in his affidavit, he says he tried to warn canadian intelligence about possible terrorist attacks on new york and the pentagon, along with targets in ottawa and toronto, but was written off as a petty criminal.
so he wrote the warning on a piece of paper, sealed it in an envelope, and handed it to jail guards a month before the attacks.
That's a good point about North Dakota. I've actually been there and have seen people. But the questions should be, why are there people there and should they be there?
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
delmart vreeland, a 35-year-old american is in canadian custody for credit card fraud charges.
here's the kicker, he claims to be a lieutenant in a u.s. navy intelligence unit, basically a spy who knew in advance about 9-11.. in his affidavit, he says he tried to warn canadian intelligence about possible terrorist attacks on new york and the pentagon, along with targets in ottawa and toronto, but was written off as a petty criminal.
so he wrote the warning on a piece of paper, sealed it in an envelope, and handed it to jail guards a month before the attacks.
Whatever happens in Canada must be viewed with caution. I hear people talk about events that happen in Canada, but do they really. Are there really people who live there? Could humans actually survive the cold and the food? I know there are some ice fishing guides and all, but is there life as we know it?
I've always been fascinated with this myth we call "Canada".
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
since i've been here, from around july, 2001, i haven't really shared any personal experiences of why i left the society, except for the story about my sister who committed suicide.
this is kind of long, so i will tell it in parts.
if this is god's organization, i will gladly be a devil worshiper.. here goes....... when i was about 27 years old, (around 1984) after my divorce, i'd moved from laurens, south carolina back to andrews, sc, and rented the house beside my grandmother.
Thank you for sharing this story. It is very sad and yet so typical of the JW's. It has always been the lack of love shown by Witnesses that convinced me that they couldn't be akin to a god of love. Oh, yes they are caring and sharing if they can somehow make a show of it for others, but they have no concept of sacrificing for their fellow man. And people in this forum sometimes have the nerve to ask if the WTS is evil. Of course it's evil when it teaches people to show total disregard for human compassion and decency. Be glad that your eyes were opened. And thank you for taking care of one of the unfortunates among us.
the following letter was sent to the principal's office at a middle school in safety harbor, florida.
the letter was in response to a school sponsored luncheon for the elderly.
it is a testament to the human kindness that lives within each of us.. dear safety harbor middle school:.
The following letter was sent to the principal's office at a middle school in Safety Harbor, Florida. The letter was in response to a school sponsored luncheon for the elderly. It is a testament to the human kindness that lives within each of us.
Dear Safety Harbor Middle School:
God blesses you for the beautiful radio I won at your recent senior citizen's luncheon.
I am 84 years old and live at the Safety Harbor Assisted Home for the Aged. All of my family has passed away. I am alone now and it's nice to know that someone is thinking of me. God bless you for your kindness to an old and forgotten lady.
My roommate is 95 and always had her own radio, but before I received one she would never let me listen to hers, even when she was napping. The other day her radio fell off of the night-stand and broke into pieces. It was awful and she was in tears.
Last night she asked if she could listen to my radio and I said, "Fuck You!"
Life is good.
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
the u.s. government is returning john walker to the states for trial.
what do you consider an appropriate punishment for his mis-deeds?.
i think, he should be[if found guilty]stipped of his citizenship and returned to somewhere in the mideast to spend the rest of his life,with no possibility to return to the u.s. for any reason.
Utopian Reformist:
Fortunately for Johnny bin Walker, he is being granted a fair and impartial trial as an American citizen. The Supreme Court has upheld the U.S. code on treason that would view him as a non-citizen just for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. His own words, as indicated in the indictment, betray him. However, the U.S. Justice Department led by John Ashcroft, Bush appointee, has decided to afford him the "luxury" of U.S. jurisprudence.
So, Mr. bin Walker will, through his excellent lawyer, be able to defend himself against the physical evidence and his own words. What a country, huh?
"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College
the u.s. government is returning john walker to the states for trial.
what do you consider an appropriate punishment for his mis-deeds?.
i think, he should be[if found guilty]stipped of his citizenship and returned to somewhere in the mideast to spend the rest of his life,with no possibility to return to the u.s. for any reason.
Here's what should happen to Johnny bin Walker.
1. Shave the hair off of his scrotum
2. Apply kerosene to it with a dirty shop rag
3. Ignite his sac by smashing 2 pieces of flintrock into it
4. Allow him to run as fast as he can in an effort to extinguish the
Oops, I'm sorry I thought this thread was about my fraternity hazing in college.